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The North Central Washington Quilt Guild was founded in 1984 with approximately 30 members.  Today we are almost 300 members strong, all of them sharing an interest in quilt making and everything having to do with quilting.​

Our group’s goal is to preserve and encourage the art, craft, and creativity of quilt making; we hope this site expresses some of that passion and dedication.  Thank you for visiting with us!

The NCW Quilt Guild​ General Membership Meeting

Pybus Market Event Room

3 North Worthen Street

 Wenatchee, Washington

6:00 PM

*please see meetings and events for specific dates/topics 

NCW Quilt Guild

P.O. Box 2715

Wenatchee, WA  98807

©  2013-2024 NCW Quilt Guild

​All images and text are copyright of the NCW Quilt Guild and/or individual Guild members.
Reproduction of any kind is expressly prohibited without written consent.

Last update: May 9, 2024


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